6 tips to learn a language quickly
Learning a new language can be a challenge. If you are in a motivational slump, here are a few tips to get you going again!
All about safeguarding
If you are looking for a position in an international school, it is good to form a full understanding of safeguarding.
Develop patience as a teacher
For teachers, patience is not only a virtue, it is a way of life. But with so many frustrations, irritations and annoyances daily, how can you improve your patience?
Improve your Students’ Spelling
Made a spelling mistake? Why not write the word you’ve made an error on down 30 times to remember?
10 reasons to teach abroad
Teaching abroad will let you experience local culture and traditions in a way that no tourist can.
What not to do as an ESL teacher
The best types of teachers are the ones who can identify their mistakes and learn from them. Here’s a list of tips on what not to do as an ESL teacher.
Difficult words in the English Language
Here are some of the most difficult words in the English language that have confused not only ESL students, but also us regular folk when it comes to the pronunciation and spelling of the words.
Unusual adjectives to add to your vocabulary
We all struggle at times to get that perfect word to describe someone or something. We tend to always use the same old words like “nice”, “amazing” or “great”. It’s time to improve your language skills with these unusual adjectives.
Great props for your classroom
Props will have a big impact on your teaching style in the classroom. It gives tasks and activities a little more dimension and are meant to keep your students focused while having fun.
The 5 happiest countries in the world
Measuring the happiness of citizens in different countries is not as easy as it sounds.
Tips for students to improve their pronunciation
English pronunciation can be tough to grasp for ESL students. Some words and sounds may be difficult to pronounce and are often complex.
8 fun activities for the end of your classes
As an ESL teacher, it’s important to lead your students through your lesson whilst ensuring they stay focused and engaged.
7 reasons why native English speakers should learn a 2nd language
We live in a multilingual world, where connections are now more important than ever before. To stand out from the crowd, learn a second language!
20 useless (but very entertaining) facts
Whether you’re looking for a fun read or if you just want to kill some time, we have gathered some useless facts we thought are worth sharing!
5 top listening activities for young ESL students
Listening activities are essential for a young learner’s development in speech and language skills.
Self care for teachers
You’re all looking after your students so much that you may be forgetting to care for yourself! Don’t let yourself burn out - no job or lifestyle is worth it.
6 tips to get your students talking
Do you have a class that doesn’t like to chat much? Check out our tips and strategies to get your ESL students more comfortable with talking in the classroom.
20 random words in the the English language
A large vocabulary is important to have if you are an English teacher. But we bet you haven’t heard of these crazy, random English words before.
Cool Facts about Mandarin
Chinese museums hold the original matrix of their being. We have listed 5 museums worth visiting for a great experience.
Need to complete your TEFL?
Did you know we have our own TEFL? Visit totallyteachtefl.com to complete a TEFL that can be authenticated in the US and South Africa.